I have always drawn, ever since I can remember. I had a dream of working for Disney one day and for a short time studied animation in college. I had a wise teacher tell me to pursue my own creativity and not try to be good at someone else’s.
Years later, after working for a variety of advertising agencies and big retail companies as a production artist and graphic designer, I became an independent contractor working with clients directly. This allowed me the valuable time with my family.
Pre-digital days I did traditional art for various clients and it was a tough transition to learn to draw on the computer. Now, I love it and can’t see doing illustration any other way. I do, however, still enjoy painting and drawing traditionally as well.
I work in and am familiar with a variety of photo, drawing and design programs. I specialize in work for print but also am knowledgeable in creating web elements.
When I’m not working I’m enjoying the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, taking pictures, or just spending time with my family.
On occasion you will find me working at a local coffee shop or somewhere by the water with a good latte in hand.